When I started reading liberty and tyranny I have to say it was pretty amazing. I have had to listen to talk radio with my dad for a lot of my life but I never really knew why he did and now that I'm coming to voting age this book helps to put a lot of things into perspective especially why he always listened to it. it talks about a lot of things from the near communistic power of f.d.r. to current issues plaguing this country. Mark really impressed me when i read this book because it wasn't a biast vote republican book. he just said that the people he supports could come from any party but right the best way in is through the republican party. he talks a lot about conservative values, the attacks on freedom, the rise of the welfare state, the parental disconnect with their children education, the loss of morality, the rise of the global cooling then global warming scandal, the hundreds billions of dollars in debt and tens trillions in unfunded obligations, the great communicator ronald reagan, the liberal takeover of the media, the liberal takeover of schools and union groups, the breakdown of national security through reduction of our nuclear arms allowance for communist dictators to acquire them, the breakdown of the border, backroom deals, bills passed that the american people have made known they dont want, an activist supreme court acting outside there abilities and the list goes on and on. The real purpose of this book is a warning to the people of america that if we keep going down the road were going america is no longer going to be the land of the free. We are now on a fast track to socialism and if we become socialist there will be nowehere free left on the planet, we are the last great bastion of freedom, and freedom is never more than one generation from ectintion. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

Great blog post! I do want to read this book and have a discussion on it. I'm not sure if I can get through the entire book, but I'd love to read a chapter and talk about it with you.
Did you know he has a radio show that's podcasted? Here's a segment in which his show interviews a filmaker of a recent documentary I just saw http://rope.zmle.fimc.net/player/player.html?url=http://podloc.andomedia.com/dloadTrack.mp3%3Fprm%3D2069xhttp://podfuse-dl.andomedia.com/800185/podfuse-origin.andomedia.com/citadel_origin/pods/marklevin/Levin08272010.mp3
You did a great job of explaining your views and opinions. Next time you do a blog, I'd love to see a few links to other sites related to the book.
Interesting, although I'm not sure I believe this is not a bias book.
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