In the book Sucker Punch By David Hernandez, Marcus or known as Nub to his friends is a teenager who has a younger brother who's name is Enrique. Marcus is 17 and on his last year of high school. Their father left them a year earlier; telling them to never contact them again. As soon as Enrique and Marcus thought things were going well in their family, their mother tells them that he might move back in the house. They're both furious about this idea; in the earlier years when they were younger their dad used to brutally hit Enrique for the slightest things. The reason for Marcus' nickname is for because a few years before their dad left; he was skateboarding, he fell and his finger hit a wall outside their house. His mom and Enrique quickly took him to the emergency room; not knowing where his finger was. Marcus' friends soon started calling him Nub, and as you can tell it stuck with them. Ashley, Enrique's girlfriend but Marcus' secret crush. Oliver, Enrique, Ashley, and Marcus decide their going to go on a road trip; Ashley soon finds out the plan that they had, she quickly gets angry with Enrique. Oliver has a starter pistol, Marcus and Enrique decide to give their dad a little visit, but not the type of visit you'd normally expect; with all the anger Enrique has built up over the years from his dads abuse, makes things easier to follow through with the plan, not only that Enrique hasn't taken his pills in the last few days making things even less difficult. Their standing at their dads front door step, walking into his tiny, crammed apartment; sitting down on his couch Marcus quickly realizes that his dad has changed. Enrique doesn't want to face the facts that he truly has; going through counseling and getting help with his anger issues. Enrique grabs the starter pistol, which his dad thinks is a real one until Marcus tells him; the frightened look on their father's face eases up some. He stands their with the pistol in his hands, yelling at his dad to say he was sorry; Enrique giving many similar qualities his dad gave the previous year. I give this book a 4.5 out of 5 because even though I didn't find the cover of the book that interesting; the book its self always kept my attention and made me want to keep on ready.
I'm glad you read the book even though you hated the cover. What are three themes present in this book?
The books sounds really suspenseful. I'm glad you
liked it so much.
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