Street Pharm writen by Allison Van Diepen has to be the greatest book I have ever read. Tyrone Johnson the main charactor of the book is at the top of his game. Ty is a big time drug dealer. It use to be his dads business but his dad Orlando was locked up for dealing. So now the family business is in Tys hands and business has nevr been better. But soon Ty will learn that with the family business comes more then just drugs. Tys personal life gets involved and everything starts to fall apart. He can't be with people out in public beacuse his enemies might try and hurt the people that are close to him. Throughout this book there are many different situations that Ty has to face like the cops, enemies, addiction, loved ones, girls and death.
Every student who reads this book loves it. Did you think the book was realistic?
I'm glad you loved the book. As Mr. McCabe said, every student who reads this loves it. I need to make time to read it, too!
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