In the book Snitch by Norah McClintock, Josh has always had an anger problem. He recently gets into trouble for snatching purses from women. He had Scott help him do this, but one lady doesn't want to let go of her purse. Soon enough they found out she has almost over five-thousand dollars that is going to AIDS research,The lady's brother dies from AIDS. Scott feels bad and decides that they should give it back to her, while Josh thinks differently; he thinks they should keep it. Scott reports it to the police and Josh gets in trouble. Josh just gets done living in a foster home, his brother Andrew lets him live with his wife Miranda and his son Digby. Josh makes a deal with Andrew that he has to get a job to help provide for the household. His social worker gives him a choice if he wants to do a normal boring counseling group for anger or work with dogs, so he picks the dogs. Josh expects it to be much easier, but it turns out to be harder. When josh walks into the class he sees one of his worse enemies; Scott! He's already in a bad mood because he has to take an anger management class. They all receive their dogs, Josh gets Sully; the biggest and meanest dog. Their instructors Mr. Weller tells that if they stay calm, the dogs will be calm. Josh isn't totally up for this, but he grabs Sully, Sully jumps up him and growls furiously. Scott takes Sully and calms him down; this only makes mad. Josh takes back Sully; walking back to the room where he sits. The people in the group had to get the dogs to follow commands. Only when Josh thinks things will got better; Travis walks in with his leather jacket thinking he's all cool. One day after their class, Josh is improving lots with the dogs, while Travis isn't doing so well with them. Josh is standing quietly at the end of the room and he sees Travis kick his dog; Josh speaks up as he is outraged with what has just happened. One surprising day, Josh, Andrew, and Miranda get a call from the police department saying they want to see Josh down at the station. Josh looks down at the picture; he sees his intials in the fish club his dad gave him many years before. The late night before Josh leaves and doesn't return for awhile. The police recall that Josh has badly hurt Scott; he's in the hopsital. Soon enough they find out that it's Travis who beat up Scott. Scott says he heard a leather jacket scrap across a wall, they all know that Travis is the only one who has a leather jacket. Travis doesn't show up for the last day at their anger management class, he is arrested for injuring Scott. Andrew and Miranda are proud of how well Josh is doing. I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. This book kept me interested and it always had something new happening.
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Snitch is the book everyone reads. I guess I need to read it, too!
It took me two days to read and it was really good. Also, I would like to read more books like this.
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