City of Ashes was about, Clary Fray, the protagonist trying to find a cure for her mother and trying to get used to the new life that she now has. Clary's mother is still in a spell
induced coma and no one can figure out how to get her out of it. She also has to live with the fact of what she learned in the end of the last book about
Jace. And because of that him and Clary are having a lot of problems. Can they figure it out in time to find Valentine before he
destroys their race? Since the first book, Valentine has stolen yet another Mortal Instrument and has even bigger plans than before. We soon come to question, who's side is
Jace on? This book is also filled with so much twists and turns it's insane. Once started, it's hard to put down. Full of action and some drama and so very interesting.
Great review!
Almost makes me want to read the book even though I strongly dislike most fantasy fiction novels...should have the 3rd book in tomorrow-
Sounds like you really enjoyed the book! It kept you going. I'm not sure I would enjoy it. I don't like fantasy at all....I didn't even read Harry you believe it?!
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