Daelyn Rice is the main character of "By the Time you read this, I'll be dead."
She's been through a lot, and starting from a young age makes it even harder and longer. She's attempted suicide numerous times, but obviously failed each of them. She can't speak, and she has to wear a neck brace. Other wise she can hear, walk etc, fine. She waits after school each day for one of her parents to pick her up, and theres this boy named Satana who always meets her there and welcomely greets her. She tries her BEST to ignore him. She dosnt want anything to do with anyone, and she dosnt want anyone to do with her. She found this website, she thinks by some strange miracle, but this website is called "Through-the-light.com". This website shows blogs of people who've attempted suicide and blogs about how horrible there life is. This Website also gives you tips on how you can kill yourself and when. She signed up to this website and she found something you can sign up on where it'll give you a date to kill yourself. The minimum days is 23. She's disappointed.
She decided on her technique. She continued going to school. And continued sitting on the bench and Satana always came by and talked to her. She had to go to his house a couple of times because her parents were unable to pick her up some days. She opened herself up little by little, not neccessairly talking about herself, but allowing herself to listen to Satana.
This book is kind of depressing. So, I wouldn't recommend this book to anybody who've felt the way she does. Like, feels like ending their life is the only option. I mean, it might give them ideas ya know? So i recommend this book to someone who is stronger mentally. It's not a horrible book, it's a good fast read if you don't put your life in Daelyn Rice' Shoes.
I hope you enjoy this book, I sure did.
She's been through a lot, and starting from a young age makes it even harder and longer. She's attempted suicide numerous times, but obviously failed each of them. She can't speak, and she has to wear a neck brace. Other wise she can hear, walk etc, fine. She waits after school each day for one of her parents to pick her up, and theres this boy named Satana who always meets her there and welcomely greets her. She tries her BEST to ignore him. She dosnt want anything to do with anyone, and she dosnt want anyone to do with her. She found this website, she thinks by some strange miracle, but this website is called "Through-the-light.com". This website shows blogs of people who've attempted suicide and blogs about how horrible there life is. This Website also gives you tips on how you can kill yourself and when. She signed up to this website and she found something you can sign up on where it'll give you a date to kill yourself. The minimum days is 23. She's disappointed.
She decided on her technique. She continued going to school. And continued sitting on the bench and Satana always came by and talked to her. She had to go to his house a couple of times because her parents were unable to pick her up some days. She opened herself up little by little, not neccessairly talking about herself, but allowing herself to listen to Satana.
This book is kind of depressing. So, I wouldn't recommend this book to anybody who've felt the way she does. Like, feels like ending their life is the only option. I mean, it might give them ideas ya know? So i recommend this book to someone who is stronger mentally. It's not a horrible book, it's a good fast read if you don't put your life in Daelyn Rice' Shoes.
I hope you enjoy this book, I sure did.