Shilshole High School is where Mick Johnson attends. This is a school where sports are everything, but mostly it's all about football. Mick Johnson enters Shilshole as a freshman, but as a varsity football player. From being watched in 8th grade he was a top notch player, a beast. He was an amazing running back, so he gets invited to play on varsity. From day 1 of his life, it's all about football. His dad, Mike Johnson was on the practice squad for the National Football League's San Diego Chargers as a Running back. Even though he was released due to code violations in Mike's preseason games, the pressure of having a dad that was in the NFL was all on Mick. All throughout high school Mick works hard to achieve being a starting running back. When he get's his goal, the pressure to become bigger size wise, lays on him. With Kane the other running back trying to pursue the starting position, the steroids become bigger in Mick’s eyes. He does everything it takes to become a super star football player. (This is on the back of the book. "Look, Mick," He said, "you're going to find out from somebody in the gym, so you might as well find out from me. Those supplements you're taking? They might get you a little bigger, but just a little. If you're after serious results, there's other stuff that produces better results much faster, stuff that a lot of guys in the gym use." "What other stuff?" Mick responds. "You know what I'm talking about; gym candy.") Sports aren't drugs, but they may act like some. You might find yourself addicted to the sport, doing what it takes to become amazing, but doing stuff that is risky. Risks like taking steroids. Even though this book is about the sport of football, I think it’s a great book. It reflects upon the pressures of being in a sport, and trying to become a great athlete. This book goes behind the scenes of one player who wants it all. To be great, fast, strong, and the best. This book shows what Mick tries to do to become a better athlete that has strong consequences. Read this book to find out what Mick does to become a great athlete and the consequences that road along his side the whole way. I rate this book a 5 out of 5 being one of my favorites. I recommend this book to anyone who likes sports, or someone who wants to know what it’s like to be an athlete and to see the pressures athletes deal with.
Here's a link to the author; Carl Deuker
It's too bad being a great athlete has to be so stressful....but I guess being great at anything is alot of work! But it usually pays off in the end.
Interesting post Vinny- what's your take on steroids?
Interesting website link Vinny, I don't know how some teacher can also be authors.
It seems like and every day thing at kimberly high. football is a big thin here and same with the high school he is attending. it puts pressure on a young adult to persue your fathers dream of you playing football. but some struggles will come apon you same with any other sport
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