The book
One Good Punch by
Rich Wallace was about a young man, Mike, and he was a senior in high school, and the school does a random drug search and they find 3 or 4 joints in his locker. It wasn't his fault that they were in there. He wanted a couple of joints for him and this girl for a Friday night because they were going to hang out and watch a movie and they wanted to get high. The guy that Mike was going to get them from decided to just put them in his locker and not tell him about it. Mike found out about the drug search and then he found out that the guy put the joints in his locker. That whole weekend he spent trying to get into the school to try and recover them so he didnt get caught, because he was a big time athlete and he was already filling out applications for colleges so he could be successful in life. He knew that if the school got them before he did, then he would have gotten expelled. That weekend he could not get into the school. On Monday, Mike was sitting at a table eating lunch with the guy who put the joints in his locker. The school liasion officer and the principle came over and asked for him to come with them. The officer and the principle both knew right off the bat that Mike was innocent, because he was one of the schools best athletes, and he was thought of to be the most successful in the long run after school. The principle and the cop offered him 3 or 4 days to come back in there and tell them who it was that put the joints in his locker and he was going to be off the hook and back to school. However he felt guilty because he asked for the joints for him and this girl so he didn't think that it was the other guys fault. So he decided not to go back in there and tell them about Joey putting them in his locker and he just took the blame, and got expelled from school, kicked out of all the sports, and got fired from his job. I really enjoyed this book, and I give it a 4 out of 5 and I recommend it to people who like suspenseful books.
You Rock Erik! Nice post....I love suspense!!! I just may have to read this over the summer! Glad YOU enjoyed it. :)
I really liked this book. The dialog was great. Very nice post Erik!
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