Shattering Glass is about teenage friends in their senior year who "have it all". Young is the narrator of this compelling story. He and his friends all followed their "leader", Rob, who decided to make the nerd of the school one of their cool new friends. Simon Glass is a geeky, computer loving, anti-social, nerd of the school. He is always being made fun of and getting picked on. Until one day, Rob decides he wants to transform the nerd into prince charming of the school. Rob is already the most liked guy in the school and he considers it a fun challenge for him and his friends to get people to like the unlikeable. Unfortunately, we find out from the beginning and from all the foreshadowing done at the start of each chapter, that Young and his friends killed Simon. But the story goes on and we find out what exactly would cause them to kill Simon Glass. I think the story does a nice job of the foreshadowing by parents, teachers, friends, and police; in the future telling us what happened to the boys after they committed that awful act. I thought this was a good book that was done creatively. I liked the idea of knowing what's going to happen before it does.
This sounds very similar to a movie which came out last year-
I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I've never had a student who reads the amount of books you do :) Keep up the good work and thanks for contributing to the blog!
I don't think I'd like to know what happens before it does. I would either fear the future, or not be able to wait for whatever was going to happen! Glad you enjoyed it though.
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