This is a book about about a resistance group in World War 2 and of the girl trying to find out her grandfathers part in it. Tamar is the name of the girl and it is also the fake name given to her granddad in the war. He was given the job of underground transmitting. He worked in Holland. Tamar and Dart are partners in the war. They work with each other well for the first few months, but Dart loves the same girl Tamar is with. Dart takes lots of drugs during this time to stay awake for his job but they also mess with his mind. Ernst Lubbers is Darts fake I.D name. Dart is his code name. Christiaan Boogart is Tamar's fake I.D. name. The names Tamar and Dart are after rivers. This story is alot like a puzzle. Nothing seems to make sense but it all comes together in the end of the book. The ending is crazy. This is a good book for any one interested in war. The book is based on facts and fiction. I give this book a 5 out of 5.
Sounds like a very interesting book Mat. Great Job!
I kindof want to read the book just to find out about the ending...
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